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* Undergraduate Co-Author

*Loveland, C., Grinath, J.B., Cusick, J.A. (in review) Effects of simulated bear attacks on thatch ant (Formica obscuripes) defense of honeydew-producing aphids. Ethology


Cusick, J.A., George, E.A., Greenway, E.V., Watve, M., Graham, K., Raby, C.L. 2024. Is it time to get over the X? Assessing the global impact and future of social media conferences in animal behaviour. Animal Behaviour: 213, 33-50.


D. J. Murie, D. C. Parkyn, C. C. Koenig, F. C. Coleman, C. R. Malinowski, J. A. Cusick, R. D. Ellis. 2023.
Age, Growth, and Functional Gonochorism with a Twist of Diandric Protogyny in Goliath Grouper from the Atlantic Coast of Florida. Fishes. 8(8), 412;


Raby, C.L. (co-lead), Cusick, J.A. (co-lead), Fürtbauer, I., Graham, K. E., Habig, B., Hauber, M.E., Madden, J. R., Strauss, A., Fernández-Juricic, E. 2022. An inclusive venue to discuss behavioural biology research: the first global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference. Animal Behaviour.


Cusick, J.A., Wellman, C.L., Demas, G.E. 2022. Maternal stress and the maternal microbiome have sex-specific effects on offspring development and aggressive behavior in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Hormones and Behavior. 141, 105146.


Adaniya, C.H.*, Wellman, C.L., Demas, G.E., & Cusick, J.A. 2021. The ontogeny of personality: Repeatability of social and escape behaviors across developmental stages in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). J. Exp. Zool, 335, 1– 8.


Cusick, J.A., Wellman, C., Demas, G.E. 2021. The call of the wild: using non-model systems to investigate microbiome-behaviour relationships. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224, jeb224485.


Cusick, J.A., DuVal, E. H., Cox, J.A. 2021. Breeder aggression does not predict current or future cooperative group formation in a cooperatively breeding bird. Ethology, 127(5), 404-415.


Malinowski, C.R., Stacy, N.I., Coleman, F.C., Cusick, J.A. et al. 2021. Mercury offloading in gametes and potential adverse effects of high mercury concentrations in blood and tissues of Atlantic Goliath Grouper Epinephelus itajara in the southeastern United States. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), 779, 146437.


Cusick, J.A. 2019. Proximate mechanisms influencing individual variation in cooperative behavior. Florida State University, Dissertation.

Cox, J.A., Cusick, J.A., and DuVal, E. H. 2019.Manipulated sex ratios alter group structure and cooperation in the brown-headed nuthatch. Behavioral Ecology Editor’s Choice, 30, 4, 883-893, doi:10.1093/beheco/arz030

Cox, J.A. and Cusick, J.A. 2018. Murder Mystery at the Nest of a Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla). Florida Field Naturalist, 46, 65-69

Cusick, J.A., De Villa, M., DuVal*, E.H., Cox, J.A. 2018. How do helpers help? Helper contributions throughout the nesting cycle of the cooperatively breeding brown-headed nuthatch. 

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72: 43, DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2479-1

Koenig, C.C., L.S. Bueno, F.C. Coleman, J.A. Cusick, R.D. Ellis, K. Kingon, J.V. Locascio, C. Malinowski, D.J. Murie, C.D. Stallings. 2017. The timing of spawning (diel, lunar, seasonal) in Atlantic Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara. (Lichtenstein 1822). Bulletin of Marine Science, 93 (2), 391-406

Cusick, J.A. & Herzing, D.L. 2014. The dynamic of aggression: how individual and group factors affect the long-term interspecific aggression between two sympatric species of dolphin. Ethology, 120(3),

287-303, DOI: 10.1111/eth.12204

Cox, J, Cusick, J., DuVal, E. H. 2016. Sex in the Sitta: the curious lives of Brown-headed nuthatches. Birding, 48,1, 40-50

Cusick, J.A. 2012. Does Size Really Matter? How Synchrony and Size Affect the Dynamic of Aggression Between Two Sympatric Species of Dolphin in the Bahamas. ProQuest/UMI Open Access Publishing. Florida Atlantic University, Master's Thesis

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